Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Facing Myself

It's time I stop kidding myself. I am who I am. As much as I hate to admit it, I am pessimistic and ireful towards the world. I don't social well - period - I had several episodes of abusive language and behavior, and I absolutely have no feelings for my class and my school, of which the latter is a, what I'd like to call, the hell hole I am and will be living in for the next year or so. Brilliant.

So many things happened since I last posted. Jordan and I are having friendship issues again, I made a plan of doing a "Pixar's 'Up' marathon (which, currently, has little point to me)," I lost my wallet with my I/C in it, I got in more arguments with the staff of ITE, I felt like killing myself on several occasions over the past few weeks, I was banned from Pixar Planet forums, I was in a heated argument with a 14 years old dork (which, for the most parts anyway, caused my suicidal thoughts), and, guess what - I'm still as lonely as I was four years ago.

First thing's first - Jordan Teo. Being friends with him for so long now, we had a discussion once about how long our friendship would last. He said "50 years." I smiled. However, up till this moment, it's only been three years, and look at where we are now.

God, I'm feeling so lazy right now, so, maybe I'll post another day. Maybe I won't.

Fuck you guys.

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