Thursday, July 10, 2008

Defiancy In The Lab!!1!!

Currently, my classmates are using the Internet searching for irrelevant stuff when they were told not to. Talk about your average defiancy. LoL It is fun, though, and amusing, too.

I logged onto TDD just a minute ago, checked out my RP, but did not find a single new post in it. The same goes for CD's RP - the last post was Vichy's, which I had read before already.

I have a little of a 10 minutes before I have to leave the computer, so there is not much to blog about right now. Maybe later.

One of the two female teachers in charge of the lab seemed t0 have labelled us as "very naughty." Hah. I find that more amusing than insulting.

Once again in my stressful life, I have argued with Jordan - again. The conflict involved him and Kenneth - another classmate of mine - throwing Spanish sentences at me, with the latter taunting me about my ignorance of the language.

As I am typing this in the lab with the class in it, it is - once again, publicly visible. I really need to get myself a PERSONAL computer, soon, if I still want to keep the rest of my deep, dark secrets as they are - secret.

Feeling rather bored right now, and some of my classmates are talking about Diablo 3, so I am going to join them.

Later - Akai

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Great, my first post ever in this blog and all I have got to inform people about is my school-skipping activity. I guess I should had not made another attempt to pull an 'all-nighter' again last night... or morning, 'whichever floats your boat.' =)

Enaz taught me that phrase. Enaz gave me many good things, too. His advices on several problems I had back then was one - most of them were effective. Most of them, Enaz. ;) Another thing was his friendship. God, if you know me as well as my classmates do, you would know that that item can rarely be found in my life. You would had made assumptions as to that factor, otherwise.

Anyway, when I was conscious enough to realize that I was late for school, it was 8 AM. What did I do then? I slammed my head back onto my comfortable pillow. The all so comfortable pillow.

This is probably the fifth or even sixth time I have missed school - this term. This term has only lasted for two weeks - tops. My "Normal Level" preliminary examinations will be here in less than 7 weeks, and I have yet to participate in any self-revision. That is probably due to me putting my RPG (Role Playing Game) (and to some extent, Crazy Demon's) over my studies. I felt like it was a responsibility that I needed to take care of. It was like people are expecting something out of me, that if I do not attend to either my RPG or CD's, their image of me will be even more negatively affected than it already is (mIRC incident; might explain it next time).

My stomach is aching again, so I am just going to post the link to my blog in my signature in TDDF (The Digital Dive Forums) and head over to the can.

Later - Akai
2:41 PM
Went to the can, nothing came out at first. Something did the second time. Gross talk, so let's move on.

I should probably get back home now.

Oh, right, I have not mentioned this to anyone yet.

My computer at home is infected with viruses. How many, I do not know and will not bother to find out. Thus, the computer I am using currently to type this post is one in a library, using a pre-paid account. Expensive stuff, but worthy for me to work on my RP anyway.

And yes, I tried typing from my laptop - it is not happening. The latency caused by the virus - or trojans, probably - was so intense that I had to wait a good half an hour or so before I could even get my browser to start.

Hence, that is the reason for me being here at the library. If I have attended school today, I would probably have less time to come down here and work on my RP, because I still have "after school remedials" this afternoon - which I missed due to my absency. My math teacher, AKA Discipline Master (DM) of my school, Queensway Secondary School (QWSS) probably has the last inch of tolerance taken out of him. He was probably pissing mad that I did not come and whine about how he shall punish me with a caning, yada, yada, yada.

Per-lease, I stayed home for the morning. It was not truancy.

Of course, if he (or anyone else for that matter) comes here and read this as I type, my situation might take a big alteration.

Eh, it is worth a risk.

By the way, my visit to the can was a burning one. I mean that my anus itself was practically burning.

Perhaps typing my blog in the library publicly is not such a fine idea...

Anyway, I better post this before anyone found out that my ass was on fire just now.

Later - Akai